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Our Expertise

We are Direct Response Marketing specialists.  Rather than try to be all things to all clients, we focus on personalized, customized service for a select few.  This streamlined approach allows us to  provide high quality, dedicated expertise in Media, Call Center Technologies, Order Management Systems and Multii-channel Marketing, resulting in increased longevity and improved profitability for our clients' campaigns.
Strategy & Organization

A successful campaign doesn't just happen.  No matter how phenomenal your product is , every touchpoint must be managed and optimized to maximize profitability.  In today's marketplace, it is crucial to strategically plan for the lifecycle of your campaign;  identify your objectives, channels, and success metrics ahead of time; and then selectively choose the right partners and vendors to ensure success.   

At Compass-Rose, we help you determine the proper strategy customized to your unique campaign objectives and then guide you through every step of the campaign.  

Business Process Auditing

Is your campaign already launched but not as profitable as it should be?   Are your metrics in line, but your operational costs inflated?  Or perhaps your systems are no longer efficient for today's multi-channel and fast paced marketplace?  Let Compass-Rose perform a due dilligence audit to help identify where you can make more revenue, save more in terms of costs, and improve overall efficiencies of business process management. 

Media Planning & Analysis

With over 30 years dedicated to Media Strategy, Media Buying and Media Analysis, our experts can assist you and your media buyers in preparing the proper media strategy across all channels and formats.  Additionally, our team of analysts can help decipher what those results really mean, and how to adjust your media buys to increase and sustain results.

Vendor Management

Direct Response is unlike any other industry. Typically, Marketers rely heavilly on outsourced vendors and systems.  From production to call centers, fulfillment to revenue enhancement, most Marketers struggle to manage multiple vendors across multiple campaigns.  Let Compass-Rose guide you with the right strategy and the right vendors, customized for each of your campaigns for overall improved performance.

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